Strengthen Your Defenses with Comprehensive Security Solutions




Technical Risk Assessment

Our Technical Risk Assessment offers enhanced insights into the security of your applications, accessibility, and account management within your network. By conducting a thorough assessment, we identify any weak security settings, A large number of security breaches can be traced back to common IT misconfigurations, highlighting the importance of addressing these issues. our diversified approach allowing you to take proactive measures to protect your assets before any potential breaches occur.

Active Directory Assessment

Active Directory Assessment

The Active Directory Security Assessment is a specialized service aimed at evaluating the security of an organization's Active Directory configuration and policy settings. This assessment identifies any potential weaknesses that may be exploited by attackers and provides recommendations for remediation and mitigation. The assessment covers various aspects of Active Directory security, including access control, authentication, and authorization, to ensure that the environment is secure and configured in line with industry best practices.
Architecture Review Assessment

Architecture Review Assessment

An Architecture Review Assessment is performed to evaluate the design and structure of an organization's technology systems. This assessment helps organizations identify potential weaknesses, areas for improvement, and scalability issues, and recommends best practices for optimizing the architecture to align with business goals and mitigate risk.
Firewall / Configuration Review assessment

Firewall / Configuration Review assessment

a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's firewall configuration to ensure it is properly configured to protect the network from external and internal threats. and meet cycle audit such as ISO 27001 , PCI-DSS ..etc
SOC Maturity Assessment (SOC 2)

SOC Maturity Assessment (SOC 2)

a SOC 2 Assessment, is an evaluation of an organization's information security practices and processes. The assessment focuses on the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data and information.
RBAC (Role Based Access Control Assessment)

RBAC (Role Based Access Control Assessment)

ensuring that access to sensitive information and systems is granted only to those individuals who have a legitimate need for it. RBAC is a security model that assigns roles to users based on their job function and responsibilities within the organization.The assessment helps organizations to meet regulatory requirements, enhance their overall security posture, and ensure that access to sensitive information is controlled and secure.
DevSecOps (Secure Pipeline Assessment)

DevSecOps (Secure Pipeline Assessment)

The DevSecOps Assessment helps organizations to ensure that security is not just an afterthought, but a key component of their software development pipeline.

Uncover Opportunities for Security Improvement with Technical Maturity Assessment: Prioritize Your Next Steps and get your Gaps into an actionable plan

Industry Oriented

We offer expert security assessments to protect your organization's assets. Our services include payment systems, Smart Technologies and IoT security assessments, and third-party risk assessments. Choose us to enhance security, protect sensitive information, and maintain customer and stakeholder trust.

Payment Systems Security Assessment

Smart Technologies and IoT Security Assessment

Third Party Risk Assessment